'PACC: Week 4'

At the beginning of the week, I introduced Epoptes and Italc to my new peers and we all agreed that Epoptes would be the best choice.

I tested wake-on-lan by powerwake, when computers are completely powered off, hibernated or suspended. It worked fine besides suspend. I think the problem is not in WOL since, after suspend, computer doesn't normally wake up on its own.

Played a little bit with gmvault. Found it very easy to set up and use. However, it might be a bit slow for a large amount of emails.

The majority of time I spent on LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and LDAP based authentication. I created an LDAP server and set up an LDAP client on the two computers. I used phpLDAPadmin to manage LDAP. phpLDAPadmin is a pretty convenient tool to manage LDAP since you wouldn't have to remember all the criteria and abbreviations which you need when using a terminal.

For example, I created a user Alexandra Kim who has the following properties:

Alexandra Kim, people, test.local

dn: cn=Alexandra Kim,ou=people,dc=test,dc=local cn: Alexandra Kim givenName: Alexandra gidNumber: 500 homeDirectory: /home/users/alkim sn: Kim objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top uidNumber: 1000 uid: alkim

Terminal can be used to log in as alkim however the user does not have a home directory and cannot be used to log in when login screen appears after booting up.

I tried to configure PAM files in a way so that alkim could be accessed as a normal user. Unfortunately, I failed at that point and destroyed the authentication mechanism of the server computer. I am planning to restore the /etc/pam.d folder and continue working on integrating LDAP and PAM.
