Smart Home Installations
Here are examples for different show pieces and installations of smart home systems, click on them for navigation:
eHomeDemonstrator v1: First and original
eHomeDemonstrator v2: Refined, build from lego
eHomeDemonstrator v3: Newest and probably most affordable one, using currently available technology
eHomeDemonstrator v3
This is the newest version, I built at the Makerspace GMU Mix. Youtube video here.
Installed resources:
11x Wemos D1 Mini, running micropython iwth ulno-iot libraries
2x Smart Light Servo Light Switches
5x ulno-iot-devkit v1 on Wemos D1 Mini
2x humidity temperature sensor
1x ulno-iot-display v1 on Wemos D1 Mini
1x xbian with kodi on raspberry pi 2
1x raspberry pi 2 with hostapd as router and home assistant
1x olimex devboard with relay controlling solenoid lock (using 5v+12v 30W power supply)
devel-board-mqtt adapter for three buttons and three leds
smart lock (also using android app to be opened via nfc)
rgb-led (as single and neopixel) driver for mqtt control
kodi multi media center
voice control via home assistant conversation module
eHomeDemonstrator v2
This one was also called the legoEHomeDemonstrator. It was reconfigurable as visible in the pictures, very small and light and had some impressive services. For a video, click here.
eHomeDemonstrator v1
This was the first and most hard to transport. However, it allowed all our researchers and students to really gain hands-on experience with the configuration problems facing smart homes (still today).