
KangurOS Solution

The graph, which I have in mind has directed edges which always connect three vertices. In such a connection, each vertex corresponds to either a subject, the predicate, or the object (like in the semantic web). In another relation, this vertex could also have a different role. This means we have a universe U of objects and a relation R={(x,y,z)|x,y,z el. of U} We decided to use this:





x S---------O z




  • S: subject side

  • P: predicate side

  • O: object side

  • W: way id side

  • w,x,y,z are vertices, containing a file

The following is obsolet:

x S---------O z




  • S: subject side

  • P: predicate side

  • O: object side

  • x,y,z are vertices, containing a file

In a first implementation, a vertex will be stored in four files:

  1. the file itself with its content

  2. a tuple-list with links to the pairs of predicates and objects, where this vertex is subject

  3. a tuple-list with links to the pairs of subjects and objects, where this vertex is predicate

  4. a tuple-list with links to the pairs of subjects and predicates, where this vertex is object

In a database, we would have the following two tables: Objects-database

id: ID

value: BLOB

id is indexed, value not (id might be primary key) Link database




All are indexed. The type ID will need to have to be something which could uniquely address all possible objects we could have. Let's for a beginning assume, that id is a 256 bit integer. Then we could even give random numbers to it and we would most likely (at least at is way more likely that our computer is destroyed by a meteor) a double hit, if we go up to 1000 Peta = 10**60 (the hole internetarchive is 2 Petabyte nowadays) objects. if an Object would need at least 256 bit + data to store, this would mean 32000 Petabyte storage. Ideas about clustering objects: To accelerate access time it would make sense, if data which belongs together is near to each other. This gets especially interesting if data is on different servers. Graph visualizers:

Pure 3D engines for python: