
Having my research background in Software Engineering, working on real cases and applications brings me naturally in contact with other fields of my research discipline. I also undertook research in Internet of Things (in my PhD, still called home autmation and ubiquitous sustems at that time), Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing, and Information Systems. Current research interests:

  • Internet of Things (Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing, Mobile Computing, Mobile Authentication)

  • Information Systems (Complex Search)

  • Software Engineering (Requirements Engineering, Model Driven Engineering, Service Oriented Computing)

  • Distributed systems (Cloud Computing, P2P Systems,  High Performance Computing)

  • Security and privacy (especially in P2P systems)

  • Active learning (and using this in my teaching)

My last research statement is here. It is currently adjusted to reflect my activities in Internet of Things, the Maker community, and requirement enginieering for Agile Computing.

See the following:

  • projects: Current, past, and future research projects I am involved in.

  • publications: A lot of people think, this is the only valid mean to measure your quality of a researcher (I am not of this opinion).

  • presentations: Places where you could and will be able to listen to me.

  • I am also on the other side of the publications and work as a reviewer.

  • advising: I do also consider supervising and consulting students and colleagues an important part of my research.

  • And finally see also my teaching record and portolio as these activities are usually hard to separate from your research work.