ulno.net - You'll know.

Ulrich Norbisrath: Professional Software Development and IT for You
When working with me, you will know. Hopefully you will learn about Virtual and Augmented Reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), or just about teaching and education.
I publish lots of videos around making, teaching, and the IoT on my YouTube channel.
I am also one of the founders of the IoTempire. If you are interested, you can also hire me in a professional manner: Ulno.net can organize Virtual and Augmented reality talks and events as well as Internet of Things (IoT) training, teaching, technical documentation, and consulting in Estonia, the US, and abroad for your institution. For offered services and a portfolio, check this page.
I am a associate professor of Distributed Systems at the computer science institute of the University of Tartu in Estonia. Previously, I have also worked as professor at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH UA) in the Mobile Computing Bachelor and Master program, as adjunct professor at George Mason University (GMU), as well as Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the School of Science and Technology (SST) at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan.
In my role as a technical consultant and IT trainer, I have worked in mobile authentication systems (for example for BIOMETRY) and conducted several presentions and workshops.
I am doing research in Ubiquitous Systems (Internet of Things - IoT, home automation, virtual and augmented reality, mobile computing, and mobile authentication), Cloud Computing, Information Management, and Software Engineering.
More about me and my CV you can find here. If you are interested in workshops, presentations, or technical consulting and want to contract me, do not hesitate to drop me a note (contact information here).
private: contact, CV (us pdf), blog, album, activities, cooking
work: services, research, projects, publications, presentations, teaching, advising, open theses, mcminos, mobauth, cloud, complex search, algs, f2f, ps3, android
misc: links
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