
Weekly review

Good news we finally decided with the project! There are 2 of its initial scenarios:

Scenario#1 Title: Complete the map (map#1)


To show the best result by completing the map with greatest time and/or with the most amount of treasure.

Description: 1) The student Damir wants to complete the map. He starts in point A and moves according to map. 2) When he reaches point B he has an option to proceed to move straight or turn right to collect more treasure. 3) When he finish his map the window with his statistics will appear. 4) Then he could see how well he complete the map and move to another level(map).

Scenario#2 Title: Complete the map


To create the challenge map and give it to your friend to see who will be the fastest.


1) The student Damir will create a map. He is able to put there as much treasure and obstacles as he can. Also, he may put some holes. If a player open the hole which look similar like treasure he/she will return to start.
2) Damir gives the created map to his friends.
3) The friends will complete for the best result. The priority condition is to collect as much treasure as you can.
4) If students show the same amount of treasure the one who shows the best time will win.

In meeting I was given the responsibility on design. However, as Professor Ulrich wants us to be able to work in every field of this project we will switch our roles in 3-4 days. So, every of us can work all project (programming, design).
We think to set this project with help of accelerometer. There are lots of tutorials about using accelerometer and it is supported by many versions of android platform.

Last week I read lots of materials about android sensors which you can also read in Damir's blog.
