Developing Android Application 2

Weekly Review:

Previous Problem:

First is running emulator of any type phone with pure Android OS. Advantage of this method that we can control all properties phone. On the other hand, it is very slow. Even turning on the virtual phone takes minimum 30 minutes. Also there always occur small errors.

Next method is running app on real devices. I tried to run my application on my phone(Galaxy S3) and did not succeed on it. I turned on developer options on my phone but when application runs it did not see device. Since I work on Ubuntu I don’t need to install extra usb drivers as Windows user will do.


I have chosen this problem by two methods:

1) Using another computer(I was working on laptop with weak parameters). On the lab's computer it took few minutes to compile virtual machine, when on my laptop it took 30 minutes.

2) Installing AndroVM(Android Virtual Machine), it is quite faster than SDK emulator. However, I did not succeed to run my application on it.

Next problem, I solved by following this link- You should properly follow described steps. The single problem was creating file on ubuntu via terminal. I wrote this codes:

$ sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

It will open file 51-android.rules where I wrote:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

04e8 – is personal code for Samsung devices(you may get it other codes from )

I decided to stop learning Java from due to complexity. If you want to finish this tutorial, you will be asked to have more than basic knowledge of Android.

I wrote application on Android from tutorials by which user can write hateful message, take a photo and set it as wallpaper and you can enter word where Java functions will identify word similarity and gave specific properties.

Also I met some problem when I installed Android on lab's computer, where adb was not installed properly. I solved by installing ia32 library:

~$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
