Android 1.3


I have decided to use Tiled map Editor. There are several advantages of it.

1) Your map will be divided into small tiles. So, you can control to add new wall and obstacles to the map.
2) It is easy to edit
3) You can create your .png file and make it tiled map.

Tiled map Editor can be downloaded from there official [site](


To do

- To draw 3 maps
- To write a code which connected menu functions and maps
- To make an icon class code

'PACC: Week 7'

The last week I was trying to establish a secure connection between LDAP server and clients. I first tried STARTTLS but could not configure it properly. The connection didn't look to be secure between the clients and the server but between LDAP server and OwnCloud server only.

So, I decided to try connection over TLS or SSL. To do this used self-signed certificates. After some time I succeeded on making a secure connection. The connection goes via an alternative port 636 and is encrypted using TLS. Below is the screenshot of wireshark software screening the connection. You can see the encrypted messages between the server ( and the client ( Untitled2

Then I was setting up OwnCloud again, so that it could use LDAP over TLS.

Also, I had to change some of the phpLDAPadmin settings since it does not use ldaps:/// by default.

I spent some time on learning about user and group filters' syntax in OwnCloud. Group filters didn't work, so I think we can use user filters by objectClass if we ever need those filters. I then added a couple of more test users (Damir and Raushan) to LDAP so that they could help us to test OwnCloud. Group mapping of OwnCloud doesn't work. LDAP users are not members of their LDAP groups when screened in OwnCloud.

Weekly meeting July,2 2013

Professor Norbisrath: - Trying to get extra hard drives

Shyrailym: - Contacted the Baadal development group in India, wants to set up a system here. System however is not finished yet, but some of its features could be very useful, for instance KVM. - Partially help Android department

Raushan: - Not finished yet with the user interface, plans to work with Saule and combine her work with the Damir's work on icons. They now have accelerometer sensor problems. Professor Norbisrath suggests her looking at some libraries from the 3D glass project.

Kamila: - Trying different configurations of the ownCloud - Research on other alternatives such as Seafile, Open Exchange and ajaxplorer. - Established remote access to ownCloud

Asset: - Installed DNS and DHCP server, gives Internet from virtual server to virtual client. Installed Squid and plans to create the transparent proxy.

Temirlan: - Worked on acceleration of the VMs (Spice, Paravirtualization). Paravirtualization increases performance,gives specific interfaces and some basic services. - Server is now running, plans to cooperate with Assulan.

Alexandra: - Secure LDAP over SSL/TLS isn't working yet. Installed the LDAP server from scratch, established secure connection between the LDAP server and the owncloud server via TLS. - Client sends hello to server, but server do not respond. Needs to reconfigure the server.

Erkanat: - Installed controller mode of the OpenStack. Can create VMs and virtual networks. Can't connect between the VMs even if they are in the same virtual network. - Showed small demo

Assulan: - Continue working on LibVirt, several host machines, but wasn't able to establish the connection when they were in different networks.

Saule: - Help with reading the labyrinth maps, managed to load graphics to the Android phone on Java. Wants to search whether Android support layers.

Owncloud Week 3 Report

Owncloud: - Rsnapshot now works properly, it performs backups on a regular scheduled basis as cron jobs. - Secure connection can now be established, since the SSL certificate was created. - Problem with the upload limit was resolved, both the php.ini and admin tab's settings should be set up to the same value. - Remote connection from outside via Cygwin and SSH was established. All functionality of the owncloud was tested, synchronization and other stuff works properly.

Research: - Possible owncloud configurations were evaluated and it was found that Nginx+MySql combination should show better performance. - Seafile, Ajaxplorer and Open Exchange - alternatives to owncloud need to be researched and tested, since they could probably be better than the owncloud.

PACC: Week V

I have been absent for the last week, so here I will report about the things that I achieved before my leave . So mostly, I have been working on the acceleration of the VM

I have used several methods on of them, proposed by Prof. Norbisrath


In computing, SPICE (the Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments) is a remote-display system built for virtual environments which allows users to view a computing "desktop" environment - not only on its computer-server machine, but also from anywhere on the Internet and using a wide variety of machine architectures.

Second one is method called paravirtualization


In computing, paravirtualization is a virtualization technique that presents a software interface to VMs that is similar but not identical to that of the underlying hardware.

The intent of the modified interface is to reduce the portion of the guest's execution time spent performing operations which are substantially more difficult to run in a virtual environment compared to a non-virtualized environment. The paravirtualization provides specially defined 'hooks' to allow the guest(s) and host to request and acknowledge these tasks, which would otherwise be executed in the virtual domain (where execution performance is worse). A successful paravirtualized platform may allow the virtual machine monitor to be simpler (by relocating execution of critical tasks from the virtual domain to the host domain), and/or reduce the overall performance degradation of machine-execution inside the virtual-guest.

What I have done is integration of the spice protocol, but the use of paravirtualization have been unsuccessful. The reason was in the hypervisor type, only Xen supports paravirtualization comparing with the KVM which uses full virtualization.

Also, I tried to use different images of the guest OS, though there was not huge difference in performance, but those ones which used XFCE(considered as a light version of OSs) instead of Gnome or KDE were a little bit faster.

Android-ers 1.2

As we decided to share our duties I took UI part. At first glance, it looks easy to create several pages and connect them. However, today I stucked with creating dialog window with 2 chech boxes and seek bars to regulate music and sound of a game. Hope, to finish all UI stuff by the next week. I want to make 2 different design of them. Let's see what I will obtain. Then, I need to begin to work on maps. What I actually have so far. Soon, it will be much better 1 3 Снимок 2

Developing Android Application 5

Weekly Review:

I finally moved my image on phone screen but it is better reacts when I rotate my phone instead of moving it. I used data from accelerometer(gives us acceleration in x,y and z axis) and by formula Distance = (linear_acceleration)*(time^2)/2 found distance and added to current position. From internet tutorials, I concluded that combination of gyroscope and accelerometer make data more accurate. Also by using Kalman filter we can clear noise of data from accelerometer(it is very complex, not easy to use). Only now, I understand that difficulty between our project and previous one is same. One of solution for drawing on air and detecting it on screen, is to save coordinates by orientation sensor in 2 matrix array and later compare with array in database.

TODO: To improve my program by clearing data from rotation(by using gyroscope) and  implement more physical formulas.

PACC: Week 6

Worked on LDAP  and Owncloud.  At first, they worked fine together but user login names were displayed as sequences of random characters (for example, 0f47af12-70ef-1032-92b6-890f766dd4b3). This was fixed by simply specifying internal username attribute in advanced settings tab.

Then I started establishing a secure connection between the server and the clients. That is LDAP over SSL/TLS. Created self-assigned certificates. Connection went via a secure port 636. However, LDAP server could not be contacted. The error displayed was: "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."

I completely removed and installed LDAP server and client since I misconfigured some settings. Tried establishing a secure connection. This time, I tried STARTTLS (STARTTLS is a way to take an existing insecure connection, and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL/TLS). Seems to be no secure connection between the LDAP server and LDAP client, however the connection between LDAP server and OwnCloud server seems to be secure.

Later, I will try to configure LDAP client or implementing LDAP over SSL/TLS (ldaps:///).

Don't know yet how to make automatically created home directories to be private.  They are created by the following line: session required skel=/etc/skel/ So I cannot implement terminal commands which require to know $USER and $HOME. May be, it can be done automatically after logging in. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.

Transparent Proxy Week 2 Report

This week's task was to create virtual network which will be similar to our lab's network in order to test and evaluate Squid caching proxy server.  Lab's server has 2 network adapters: one is connected to university's network, which has proxy, and another is hosting local network inside the lab, which uses transparent proxy implemented via redsocks. So all machines in our lab "think" that they don't have a proxy.

I started by trying to create virtual machines using KVM (link to the tutorial I used). But unfortunately it was unsuccessful,  mainly this was because I'm not experienced in dealing with Linux (bash/shell), and also as I found later this was guide for installation on the text based Linux server.

Then my colleague Temirlan gave me 2 openSUSE (one of the many Linux distributive which has nice configuration tool YaST) machines which had an internet connection. However, I was only the user of these machines, so it was really hard to create virtual network and also KVM machines was really slow, so it was nearly impossible to work on them.

Finally, I have created VM on VirtualBox. Creation of the VM in VirtualBox is really easy, since you just need to have OS instillation CD or .iso file. Virtual server runs openSUSE 12.3 x64 minimal server edition, and virtual client runs Ubuntu 12.10 x64 edition. Server has 2 network adapters: first is NAT, which will provide internet connection from host machine (one of the lab's Ubuntu desktop which I use to run VirtualBox). second is Host-Only adapter, which will allow to see other virtual machines. On the client machine there is only Host-Only adapter. I have installed openssh-server on both VMs and configured them, so now I can ssh between VMs and server can also ssh to Host machine.