PACC: Week 6

Worked on LDAP  and Owncloud.  At first, they worked fine together but user login names were displayed as sequences of random characters (for example, 0f47af12-70ef-1032-92b6-890f766dd4b3). This was fixed by simply specifying internal username attribute in advanced settings tab.

Then I started establishing a secure connection between the server and the clients. That is LDAP over SSL/TLS. Created self-assigned certificates. Connection went via a secure port 636. However, LDAP server could not be contacted. The error displayed was: "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."

I completely removed and installed LDAP server and client since I misconfigured some settings. Tried establishing a secure connection. This time, I tried STARTTLS (STARTTLS is a way to take an existing insecure connection, and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL/TLS). Seems to be no secure connection between the LDAP server and LDAP client, however the connection between LDAP server and OwnCloud server seems to be secure.

Later, I will try to configure LDAP client or implementing LDAP over SSL/TLS (ldaps:///).

Don't know yet how to make automatically created home directories to be private.  They are created by the following line: session required skel=/etc/skel/ So I cannot implement terminal commands which require to know $USER and $HOME. May be, it can be done automatically after logging in. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
