
QR-code of this contact website. Scan this to remember and save this web address.
My current contact information
Address | Phone numbers | E-mail | Key | CV | IM/Social Networks
Click here to get my contact card (enter as username and password both the first 4 letters of this site).
Phone numbers
US cell (also works when I am abroad): 678-856-6638 (678-ULNO-NET). This is also my WhatsApp and Telegram contact
German landline (sipgate): +49 2402 9791070 (can be called in general, a message will be forwarded as email to me, should I not be online)
(If you call the US numbers from abroad don't forget to dial 001, +1, or the respective US dial code first.)
For my e-mail just add .net to the end of the email address ulno@ulno or remove from the email address z, y, and x.
If you do not trust email as a communication medium and want to contact me securely as well as privately, please send me a message with the program bitmessage to BM-NBtj5VF1i1QvF8D7JKXpKo59S46U4qsZ.
You can download my public GnuPG-keys here:
my key for emails ending with ID: 0x5F805880. Fingerprint: E736 0689 412B 9DD0 FFAF 1D55 A335 50B2 F012 E569.
Social networks
xing (this is not very well updated, so please refer to linkedin and this page here for more updated professional information)